The object of the Trust shall be any or all of the following:
- Advancement and propagation of education, among all without distinction of caste or creed, but with preference for the socially marginalized, the underprivileged, and the Christian minority children through establishment, administration, maintenance and support of colleges, schools and other educational institutions;
- To make provision to advance the cause of, and impart commercial, scientific, industrial, technical, physical Liberal Arts, Performing Arts and humanities and all or any other type or kind of education including undergraduate & post graduate education, research and publications;
- To establish, maintain, take over management, administer or run any institutions, colleges engaged in the imparting of education to student up to any level that may be found necessary and /or desirable;
- To generally impart education to students with preference for Christian, the socially and economically marginalized, and for the purpose to do all act that may be necessary;
- To establish, run, manage, administer any institution or College or School to train persons to be Teachers who will impart education to Children and/or Student in School, College and other similar institution;
- To promote all forms of education, child or adult, formal or informal;
- To hold, arrange and organize Meetings, Lectures, Talks, Discussions, Seminars, Symposia, Conference, Competitions, Research and Study Visits, Tours, Excursions, Exhibitions, Debates, Screening of Cinema or video film, Audi-visual Programs, Artistic Performances and other Cultural Activities, Sports and Games;
- Establishment, maintenance and support of Libraries, Museums and Reading Rooms and Distribution of Books etc., for advancement of education and knowledge in general;
- To provide and meet all expenses of the College and other educational institutions;
- To provide education in the field village rural development, NSS activities, extension of Human Development and growth and strengthening of human values;
- Advancement of any other object of general public utility and relief like conducting seminars on educational advancement, providing necessary assistance during natural calamities and such other assistance as may be required from time to time;
- The trust, founded by the Provisional; Superior of the Calcutta Province of Society of Jesus, a Christian Minority Religious Order, known for its philanthropic and educational activities, and therefore enjoying the benefits of article 30 of the Constitution of India, shall, however, be for the general public without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, sex or religion whatsoever;